Iznogoud (pronounce "Is no good") is a comic strip character invented by René Goscinny and drawn by Jean Tabary. Set in Baghdad, Iznogoud is second in command after the caliph, Harroun El Poussah but his sole aim in life is to kill the caliph and take his place. Goscinny's taste for sharp satirical writing keeps the rather repetitive nature of the stories constantly fresh making Iznogoud one of comic-strip's most popular anti-hero.

Interestingly, the character has also made his mark on French politics - when the extreme-right wing politician Bruno Mégret and number two in the Front National, tried to take over the party from Jean-Marie Le Pen, he was immediately described by the latter as Iznogoud - Mégret's diminutive stature and disagreeable persona making the comparison even more realistic.